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Results for 'Geodon M O S Depression Pregnancy Bipolar Disorder Latuda Disorder Prescription'

Anyone take Latuda in addition to Effexor or any antidepressant and you are not schizophrenic?

Or bipolar? I have treatment resistant MDD and anxiety and was prescribed the Latuda. I am feeling very irritable and more anxious ...... read more

How to get off Geodon without having a physcological break down?

I've been taking Geodon for about a year and a half. It has put me through hell. I have terrible anxiety. I can't smile. My passion... read more

Latuda - Bipolar II?

Has anyone been prescribed Latuda for Bipolar II depression? I have been depressed for 10 years and nothing has completely... read more

I have been taking Latuda now for 4 days and no symptom relief, how long until it starts working?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia about 2 years ago I have been on numerous meds. I just started taking Latuda 4 days ago. For two days I... read more

Does Lamictal make you sleepy like Geodon?

Lamictal sounds like a great medication for bipolar. I was just diagnoised 3 wks ago?I have heard so many good things about Lamictal. Did... read more

Has anyone taken Abilify by itself? My doc just prescribed me 10 mg?

Hi all, I went to the doc yesterday and she prescribed me 10 mg of Abilify by itself. In the past I had taken Wellbutrin and Lamictal combo.... read more

How to Begin Tapering Off Geodon?

I started taking Geodon at 20mg then was given the next higher dosage of 40mg. This pill doesn't let me function during the day. It gives... read more

Is it safe to take Ativan(lorazepam) together with Latuda(lurasidone)?

My son is diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder and he also has serious anxiety problem. He has been prescribed to Ativan (take as... read more

Does latuda weight gain ever stop?

I have gained 35 lbs in just over 7 months on Latuda. I also take Vivactil 10mg and Lithium 100mg daily. I have just tried Saphris with no... read more

Does anyone know if Latuda is a SSRI? Also, how long does Latuda stay in the body after the last?

... dose? Thanks in advance for the help

How long before of after eating should I take latuda?

I was recently put on latuda. It work ok when i was in the hopstial and didnt notice getting upset stomach but now that im restarting the med... read more

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